Since that is how we have been feeling since last Monday, and since JC has invited all of the attendees from The Film is Not Dead Workshop to a "LOST" party, Flavio and I have been watching every episode from the beginning.
I must say it is a really bad thing to be doing, only because we are pretty much OBSESSED and want to be watching every episode we can instead of cleaning, folding laundry, actually working real estate, or photography. Even now, Flavio just came in when I told him we can catch up on Season 4 he freaked out to get his work done faster so he can watch Episode 4 of Season 2. I don't know if I should be jealous, but Flav has an incredible crush on Kate. I think I need to hit the gym because she looks WAY hotter in her skivvies than I do right now. ;) I wish there was someone more attractive than Jack or Sawyer, they just don't do it for me. And what in THE world is up with Sayid and his nails. YUCK. If a man ever touched me with those nails I would die.
We have a long way to go, but it has been SO incredibly good to just have that time for US...we put the kids to bed and before Flavio goes to work we watch an episode or two...it is great.
I'm glad you've had some time with your husband. It's amazing how much that helps any situation, just having time to connect with the one person who cares more about you than anybody else on earth.
i'm dying. i totally hear ya, girl.
i was obsessed. until season 3. now i'm wayyy behind and am not very excited about getting caught up.
Just finished the same marathon. Season one to present in three weeks.
If he likes Kate, you should definitely enjoy Sawyer. OMG he is so friggin hot.
Oh kim it breaks my heart the previous post because sometimes thats what it takes a little screaming, a lot of crying, add a few toddler fits and alot of why's and then somehow the days have gone past and we learn and grow and the pain never goes completely away but I know you will be blessed.
Just have to add on a lighter note that LOST is awesome I'm so glad you guys get to have the time together to get Lost together it helps eh! Funny about kate I think my husband has a little kate crush too and yah where is the hottie for us I used to think sawyer was a bit hot but now he's kind of grundgy and gross!
Keep strong you are loved!!ttyl
{thanks for the comment on my blog you are so sweet!!}
that is one show we have never been into! I am glad you and flavio can find something to watch together and spend time together just the two of you!
I am so glad that you are finding an outlet/escape. I love movies and tv for that very reason. I love being able to get away from "Heather" all the time!!
I am addicted to Lost!! I can't wait for you te get caught up. We can dish then about predictions and such! Just one more thing to have in common with you!! I love it!
I am a total Jack fan!! I love how loyal and caring he is. However, Sawyer is dark and mysterious. I would have to say I am a Jack fan!! I think Clair is pretty darn hot! What can I say, I have a thing for Blondes!! :)
P.S. I love that you noticed Sayid's nails!! Only you!!
I love Hurley also!! Cute gentle giant!
How do you not let us comment on the few random posts?? Very sneaky!
I think your Crazy Lady and my Crazy Lady went to the same school!! I totally feel you!! Yesterday mine showed up also. They must know when we are at our lowest!! Those crazy jerks!
I am here anytime!! Hang in there sweetheart.
You know, I haven't really watched LOST. I know that my husband watches it online. Guess I should join him, huh?
Thanks so much for your comment! I love how much love and support you can find in friends! I appreciate your thoughts. Especially the song, "Our Savior's Love". I was telling Dustyn something similar last week. I know there is a purpose in our trials and heartaches.
Thinking of you and your family.
We are having the marathon too - i am about a 1/3 of the way through season two. Kate does look good but - lucky for me - Toby doesn't like skinny chicks.
First of all, love the new shot at the top. Can we say gorgeous? Second, your LOST-a-thons sound all too familiar. Sam & I had never been into the LOST craze until last summer. For some reason we started renting the previous seasons & were HOOKED. I can't even tell you how many nights we stayed up until 5 in the morning watching. You just HAVE to know what's going to happen next. It's a completely uncontrollable convulsion. But it's oh, so good.
LOOOOOOOVe this show. really love it. actually, i love to hate it. it is seriously too intense for me. by the middle of the episode i am chewed off all my fingernails almost to the point of blood and am jumping up and down on the couch. poor mr. r.
i totally laughed out loud at the sayid comment. you are hysterical. but really, he is the only person that i would feel safe around on the island. he is the man.
i was bummed that you took your obama post off. i wanted to show my mom the pro-adoption clip. we always need to hear more about that.
we come home today. can't wait to see you.
We never had ANY desire to watch Lost and then B&D lent us the first season, after 3 or 4 episodes we couldn't stop watching! An episode would end and we would be like "WHAT?!?! NO!!!" and we would have to imediately watch another to see what happens. Now we watch them on line, we both are busy on Thursdays, so we die waiting to watch the next episode on Friday night. It's kind of fun though, we cuddle up in bed and watch them on Tony's laptop. I agree with mrs r Sayid's the only one I'd really feel safe around, he's a dang smart guy... funny thing is with in an episode that could all change and I wouldn't feel safe around him any more! Glad you guys are getting into it too! BTW I have all of the seasons if you want to borrow any of them.
I'm obsessed and I've only seen season one. Like two years ago.
We have the same obsession, but it is with "Gilmore Girls" these days-Josh gets home from school and we sit down to enjoy one or two, sometimes three episodes at once. It is nice to like watching something together-and this time it is one of my shows!!
We've been through The A Team, Mcgyver, Dukes of Hazard, and Night Rider-so nice to have a "girl" show to watch these days and Josh actually likes it-amazing!
We love lost too!!! And you're crazy, I think Jack is HOT! haha, and ya...Sayid grosses me out!
I feel so lost ( no pun intended HA) and out of the loop. I usually have the Telly on for noise and am indulged in my grandma projects. ;) BTW- I started another one! LOL
Women that shot of you is HAUGHT!
Oh girl, I have been off the internet for a while.......but I so feel for you. You are so strong and I know that you CAN get through this with something to take away from it. I understand that there would be dark feelings involved, I know there would be for me too. You are in my prayers!
Also my husband and I just started watching the first season this weekend and we got hooked too, what is it with that show?
I am glad you are enjoying some fun entertainment with your hubby. I haven't gotten into this show either and it sounds like I should (or maybe I shouldn't!)!
I think I watched the first season but coudn't get back into it after that! I'm so glad you have been able to "get away" from life and just relax and spend time with your hubby! Sometimes, we just need to let things pile up! Just ask me- I've been good at that! LOL!
You and Flav are too cute!
Oh and EW! I hate it when guys grow nails! Ew ew ew!
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