These are from a month ago. We go visit my step-mom and my little brother's a few times each month, but for sure, every Fast Sunday. The kids love playing with all of "Grandma Lorraine's Toys".
'specially the Tinker Toys

Here is my adorable nephew Viktor. He is SO smart, and Jothan and Memms love to play with him. Love the look Emms is giving him here...

And this shot is to die for. I just love him so much. He looks so much like my brother here it is intense.

More stuff for me than for you. I need to catch up on my personal stuff, and these just stood out to me tonight! Hope everyone is doing well. ;)
Awesome pictures!!! You are so talented!!!
Cute pictures! I love Emms hair and that grin on Jothan is so sweet, your kids are just beautiful Kim.
Oooh! I love seeing your kids! These are so fun to see! Your nephew is super cute too! I love the look on Emms face in the picture of her and Joth! So cute!
Ahhhh, so beautiful. They will love seeing those pictures with cousins when they get older. So FUN!
Your kids are so adorable, I think they look so much like you. Am I really getting so old that one of my former Young Woman can have kids of her own?!
I love how much love is in the pictures, girl you are amazing!!
Such a good mom, you can see it in thier smiles!! Bravo!! I want to be more like you!!
I need to catch up on my personal stuff too! Love the pics. I don't think I've ever seen Emm's with bows in her hair :-)
LOVE Emms hair in the bows! she looks SO cute, and SO big. I miss those kids they are just the cutest things ever. I also can't believe how big your brothers little boy is. he is adorable!!
the eyes in the last one are beautiful. fun pics.
Love grandmas houses. My grandma has Tinker Toys, too.
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