...as sick about our choice of candidates for the presidency as I am? I'm just not feeling anyone. Am I alone in this?
I'm not sure why, but it has been occupying my mind a lot. It just feels like the more I research and the more I learn, I feel less confident in someone to run our country.
I really REALLY liked Romney. I know that sounds silly, but I'm so bummed. All of the other candiates either suck, or won't make it so it doesn't matter (i.e. hillary).
I am with you 100%. I have tried really hard to be educated and learn all that I can about our candidates, but I have no confidence in any of them (that are still running). I have kind of stopped listening and reading about all of it, becuase it is a really bleak outlook.
Amen friend. I wouldn't trust myself to run the country nor do I trust anybody else. We are all human for heaven sakes. Guess we all have to wait for the Millenium for a perfect government. =)
All I can say about this is AMEN!! You hit it right on the head!! And AAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH hmmmmmmmphhhhhh (that is my tantrum, sorry to throw one on your blog)
I am completely at a loss. Some friends got me really into the presidential candidates this year and now I'm wondering why I even bothered.
Me, me, me! Totally sick of it all. I completely agree with you. I am at a total loss. For the first time, I am just not excited to vote.
I JUST told Greg the other day that ever since Romney has been out I have hardly even followed it at all. I have NO clue who I want! Clinton NO, that is all I know!! :)
Yeah I'm not feeling really drawn to anyone either - but last time was no better. Bush or Kerry? At least Obama seems more intelligent and dignified than Kerry if you're leaning towards a democrat....
However...intelligence is only one quality and certainly doesn't over rule integrity, experience, leadership, etc.
by the way, I love the pearl harbor shot.
Ty says that If either Obamma or Clinton get the Presidency then we will be moving out of the country. I think that would be kind of cool, but He was probably joking with me. I agree though. I think our best choice is that old guy with gray hair. Ha Ha Ha
I was all about Ron Paul, but he's not in the race anymore.
I'm a Libertarian and I think we're actually one term closer to having an actual shot at a legitimate running in the next race.
I believe its a travesty that we've divided the country in half. (Rep and Dem) I prefer to think outside the box a bit.
Amen! I am at a total loss also!
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