Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One of the many things...

...I envy about mrs. r:

Her bumm. It is small. I know of no such thing.


Myra and I mocking mrs. r's tiny jeans. Really, we were just totally jealous.



I cry.

Can you believe her pants fit on ONE of my thighs? Oi.

Sending you love today mrs. r. And love to yer bunz.


Becky said...

You guys are so funny! She is truly beautiful - but we ALL are. Hey - what was the cuppy cake place you guys went to? Not that being skinny has ANYTHING to do with Cuppy cakes... CAUSE IT DOES NOT... but I might drown my sorrows in a good cuppy cake.

Ariana said...

I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but this post totally cracked me up! Mrs. R is pretty darn tiny! So not fair. I don't even think in my practically 0% body fat days my thighs were that small! lol

Cassie said...

hee, hee, hee...

I love the mrs. r too.

Midwest Mommy said...

Oh my goodness she is one tiny little person!

Sell...Party Of 4 said...

jealous. i don't think there is one single tiny part on my body. okay, maybe my wrists could be considered tiny. that's. it!

Amanda Edwards said...

I hear you loud and clear sister! Those pants wouldn't fit over a thigh of mine either...no worries. Have another cupcake, that's my motto. I am learning to love what I got and envy what others got. It's a beautiful thing.

mrs. r said...

seriously? this is on the internet? i could die.


Holly said...

So funny...but Kim I don't think you are right saying your thigh fills up her pants. I can see the picture and your thigh is in only one leg of the pants...and hello, you're pregnant.

Kim . . . wyomingmade said...

This is seriously so funny!! Maybe if I didn't like chocolate like Mrs r I could have some skinny jeans . . . now that's crazy talk!!