Thursday, July 25, 2013

Elase Medical Spa | Laser Hair Removal, My Third Visit

When I posted about my first visit my dear friend Laura said she did all of her laser hair removal without the 'wussy cream'. I laughed and thought she probably knew best because she completed 18 months of treatment, what I am not so sure about is where on her body she had hers done.

I haven't been uh...too upfront in details about where and how much I am having done on my lady bits. If I tell you I am doing the full Brazilian and I don't mean Flavio, do you get it? Uhm, TMI, but you must know for purposes of this post.

Yesterday, in the rush to get out of the house and to get my kids where they needed to go, I forgot to put on my Dr. Numb. I channeled Laura's words, "I didn't use that wussy cream!" I was doing fine until I got in and saw Mary Kate's smiling face. Things started out fine.

Then. Oh. My. Word.

Friends, it hurt.


These lady bits are sensitive!

I almost cried.

I may have cried.

I am not sure.

Mary Kate was so awesome. She stopped for me a few times as I basically did Lamaze through the entire treatment. I praised her quickness and efficiency in putting my misery to an end. Never again will I leave home without the good Dr. Numb.

***Disclaimer: For the next few months I will be blogging about my experience with Elase Medical Spas. While I am receiving treatments in return for my opinion about my experience, please be assured they are my own and I have chosen to be very choosy about the things I share with my readers, and any and all opinions I have about Elase and my experiences will be my own. I have chosen to work with Elase because I believe it can benefit so many of us who may be curious about a medical spa but may not feel comfortable approaching one on their own. I hope to change those feelings. Let's take care of ourselves and treat ourselves!***


Unknown said...

I want to do laser hair removal courses so that I can be a pro.

Jean said...

As hair growth happens in stages, a total hair removal on parts of the body may not likely in a single treatment.

Unknown said...

it was a great blog and i loved it but will you please write something about laser hair removal course

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