I honestly think this mom is one of the most beautiful people I have ever photographed. Her skin is perfect, and those eyes, just everything! Chloe was 7 weeks! Can you believe how tiny I made her look? That is what we were going for, and as long as she slept she kept her newborn look. She is a tiny girl. So fun to get to cuddle and play with a new baby! Thanks Carrie and Jesse!
Beautiful!! You did an awesome job!!
Cousin, you and your babies are BEE YOO TI FUL.
love the baby feet shot and the last one with the mom and dad looking ever so happy. :o)
Kim- I cried and couldn't stop looking at these! I L O V E all the pictures! Well ,except for that last one! LOL! But that's just because I'm so dang self conscious! Jesse likes it though. THANK YOU! You are amazing! You are such a great and talented photographer! You did so well with Chloe. You could tell that she felt so comfortable with you. I will cherish these FOREVER! Thanks Kim!
You looked so gorgeous, by the way!
LOVE the one with the sisters. So precious. I want a tiny baby for you to photograph.... Do you think if we wrapped up Alyssa when she was sleeping we could make her look like a newborn?
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