...Get their answers, but only for a limited time! ;)
First, let's start with the headbands. It is probably driving some of you mad. They are not children's headbands. Yep, they are for ADULTS. Now, my children have big heads, but not HUGE heads, but it seems that adult headbands just stay on Miss just fine. I have noticed that these faux wrap headbands stay on better than the thinner ones, and she leaves them on, when her hair is done in a clip or pony she has it out in two seconds, these stay on longer, go figure. The key to my finding ANY item is to just "stroll" through whatever section a particular item I am looking for may be. So, if I am wanting headbands, I make sure to stroll through that section of the store, ANY and every store I go to, until I find. If I find and I like I buy. This particular headband came from Gadzooks I believe. I also have the black one from " Corn. Dog." that was purchasd from Claires at the mall. We have a chocolate brown from Target, and a white one from, oh, I think Claires or a store like it. Just LOOK, take the extra three minutes to walk through the headbands and if you like, just get it, you won't regret it, (unless you don't).
Second, the key to Miss' wardrobe? I dress her like I would dress myself. If I wouldn't wear it, I don't buy it (generally). I don't know where I started this, but I think I was just drawn to the bulky sweaters, the "flare" jeans, the grown up looking shoes. I am sure in a few years I will regret her looking so old and will put tutus and pink florals on her, but for now, I love simple. How'd you know? "Simply Me", "Simply You Photography". I know I am a dork. Anyway, if you notice most of her outfits could easily be made for an adult. This particular sweater was purchased from The Old Navy Outlet for $9 almost two years ago. That is the other secret. I have a closet full of clothes on hangers just waiting to be worn. $3 Pajamas from The Children's Place I saw on sale. (I bought 30 once) but I never have to buy them again. It was an investment, but every time I look in the closet I know I won't have to buy them again, it is a good feeling. ;) So, anyway, I get things on the clearance rack that are CUTE and I save them. I will pay a few dollars more for the cute sweater and forgo the 99 cent whatnots, (Unless of course they are cute whatnots, well then, WHY NOT?)
This dress. I am sad to admit I paid full price. I had a vision. I didn't quite fulfill my vision, but it is a very beautiful dress, and I do not regret buying it. It was from Old Navy. I splurge sometimes.
Okay, the beloved Corn. Dog. shoot. Shirt: Target. It came with two shirts in one. SAWEET, I think the shirt was only $7.00, and heck for "two shirts" I was getting one for $3.50, can't get much better than that. The leggings were $3.00 at Wal-mart. WAL-MART.
Shoes. Ashlee wanted to know about shoes, Leslie wanted to know about shoes, here is the ENTIRE scoop on shoes. I treat shoes much like I treat a beautiful cream cable knit sweater with chunky buttons off the clearance rack. BUY THEM, even if they are three sizes too big. If you love them, and they are cheap, why not? Later, we will be glad we did. I am, and have never regretted it yet. These pink delights were from, get ready with a pen and paper, cause you NEED to go there. Smith's Marketplace. There are four locations in our valley that I can think of...These pink (and black) dandy's are indeed Chuck Taylor's. I got them for under $15 at Smith's Marketplace. They have great sales and coupons to boot. (No pun intended, although I am eyeing a pair for Miss for the winter.) I have found more fantastic shoes for my kids at Smith's than anywhere else. Seriously. Don't second guess yourself, if you see something you like, and the size is right (or bigger) buy it. If you don't, you can subject yourself to me and hunt them down, (but be aware you will be disappointed if you don't find them in the end.) I have sent many a ladies on goose chases after seeing a pair on Jay or Memm, and some have failed, but many times others succeed. Another great, overlooked shoe fantasy land? SEARS. YES, SEARS! 60% of my childrens shoes come from Sears. And the best thing? As of yesterday they were having some very NICE shoes (leather) on sale for $5. $5! I bought Mister 4 pairs of leather shoes...all for under $25 with tax! I have done this before, and the best part? Next year when they can wear the new size, everyone will want them and won't be able to get them, it'll drive people wild! Also, if you have some cash to burn, Journeyz Kidz is a fun place for shoes. Sometimes I find goodies at Payless, but that is hard, usually NO sizes for my kids there. If you are up at the factory stores, Stride Rite is a great place, they have a fantastic clearance table. I found Mister LEATHER shoes for under $10 and the sandals he wore ALL summer were leather and cost $11. Can't get that at Payless or even Wal-Mart nowadays. I just guessed his size and luckily I guessed right!
This outfit is pretty straight forward, love the graphic tee from The Children's Place, an early Summer steal for $5. The jeans from Old Navy, and the black chucks from Smith's.
Mister is NOT left out, he just chooses to wear what he wants these days. Boys are fun. I bought these shoes from a clearance rack at Ross (They were Stride Rites). Saved them up for a long time. The pants: Clearance rack at The Chilrens Place $4. No JOKE. The jacket, well another splurge from The Children's Place, none of your business how much it cost! ;) And the shirt underneath was a hand me down! Can't see it but it was CUTE.
This outfit is pretty straight forward, love the graphic tee from The Children's Place, an early Summer steal for $5. The jeans from Old Navy, and the black chucks from Smith's.

Places I frequent:
The Children's Place (generally ONLY the clearance racks)
Old Navy (I stay away because I can get myself into trouble easily, but the Outlet is a good place sometimes to find last season's stuff at a discount)
TARGET, TARGET, TARGET!!! Cheap prices for REALLY cute stuff. Just stroll people, if it doesn't shout at you, don't buy it!
Wal-Mart. EVERY TIME I go, I stroll, sometimes I find great stuff, usually for Mister...nice church clothes too.
Gymboree Clearance (hardly ever, but if I have time I'll stroll)
Ebay "LOTS" if you have time to look and bid (only if I am desperate for a certain something)
Savers (Stroll, it is fun and sometimes you find great things)
And for me? Target, Maurices (where I got that black shirt), and Forever 21, and Susie's Deals (If you have never gone, call me, I'll take you. Everything is $5.99 and less. Lots of it being Forever 21 leftovers or seconds)!
My last piece of advice, and I gave it to Moosh in Indy long ago: But it will hold true for all of you, the truth is I buy 2, TWO, dos, DOIS, really cute, hip, fun, (sometimes a little more than I want to pay for) outfits for my kids for them to wear when I go see "Them" whoever you want "Them" or "They" to be. I just feel like if my kids are clean, washed, look good, then I look good and it takes the pressure off of me. Just a thought, many people have taken this advice and swear by it...try it out and let me know how it works.
Love love love the post. I just checked our your photography blog and am just amazed by all of your work! BEAUTIFUL! Plus, it helps that your kids are freakin adorable! I'm so jealous of all your good shopping down there. I think i need to plan a visit!
I'm shocked! I swore every one of your outfits for your children were a fortune, but thankyouthankyouthank you for the advice!
I was going to do a post like this! Copycat mindreader lady.
the moosh has her fall/winter wardrobe of '07 hanging up and ready to go.
Go away 90 degree weather, I've got cute clothes to wear.
You don't subscribe to my "theme" rule but it's a good one for everyone else. Pick a theme and have everything go with everything else in some way or another.
And the moosh totally has that sweater, she totally had it first too. *sigh*
Can you imagine the shopping we will do one day? We'll be ruthless.
I am the same way or I should say I used to be. When my kids were younger I always bought cloths on clearance for the future. I don't do it as much anymore because I never know what they will fit in, the older they get the more their growth changes, but it's definitely the way to go.
Darling photos.
I love Sear's kid shoes! My favorite shoes that Boo has had have been from there! (Famous Footwear has cute kids shoes too sometimes!) I got a few "trendy" shirts, like the corn dog shirt, at Smith's Marketplace-fun! I got their pictures taken today and Lys needed a cream headband so I finally went to Fashion Place (Posies Accessories) and got her some bigger/wider headbands and interchangeable bows & flowers! It was well worth the purchase! She's got kinda a large noggin and no hair so those skinny headbands were just not workin! I really need to start buying for the future. Winter is coming up and since Karah is the oldest and no one gives shower gifts in 3T, we have nothing for winter or next spring, or... I gotta get shoppin! How do you know if they will be a size 3 in the winter to wear a certain sweater or a cute pair of shorts in the summer or a pair of winter boots? This needs to be another one of your posts since you've gone professional now. (Love your advice by the way!) How can you predict sizes/seasons....how do you get in-laws to stop buying nasty, ugly outfits for them (or how to fake your positive response!).... and how do you keep your kids good at the stores so you can look at the clothes? Mine aren't bad but they don't last very long-one store, a half hour-that's about all before they are bored! The thing I need to stockpile is shoes! I have been very frustrated on several occasions because I want a certain kind of shoe (maybe I am too pickY) but I can't find what I want anywhere when Boo outgrows it and I need it! You never know when they will outgrow their current size and you desperately need a pair of play shoes that fit (that aren't caracter shoes, that don't light up, aren't some funky color that doesn't match anything...) I second that if you see something you love buy it bigger and eventually they'll fit in it! I have only done it a few times (need to do it more) but like you I was not disappointed! I was actually psyched when they finally fit in the item I bought 2 years ago, etc. Anyways, I have almost commented longer than the post so I'll stop now! Bye! (I am going to try to get their pictures on my blog-it might be two weeks-but then you can see the new headbands! Oh, I guess I could take my own pictures and post them... duh! There's one of Lyssi that Sear's might hang on their wall-it's so precious!) Oh, hey! I just thought of something! Does it make you sad when friends get their pictures taken and it's not from you? I didn't mean to make you feel bad if it does! Sorry! (they are really cheap-I get a military discount) I love you to document our special occasions! (I have a few photographer friends now and I never know what to do!) Just know we love you and you do awesome work! ape
(Someone needs to teach me how to comment shorter! Seriousy!)
With faces as cute as those who needs the clothes!!! Such cute kiddos! Wow what an art really though! I had no idea... probably don't even know where half these places are! Very impressive! Love the photos!
OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so jealous that you're not my mom! LOL! They are going to be voted "best dressed" in pre-school! And what's with little miss? She's looking too grown-up and just keeps getting cuter! I love the headband idea. I'm going to have to try the adult size for L.
so dont forget that you promised me some of those really cute girls clothes for little Gracie!!! I will not let you forget!!!!
Thanks for the advice Kim (I have already bought a headband, but the catch is getting Elise to actually keep it on, but we'll try even if I have to wait until she is 3 or 4 she will wear one someday!!), and I plan on keeping my eye open for those deals.
i agree with lace...those faces don't need cute clothes. i think the dressing up the kidlets in cute outfits is more for the mamas than the babies eh? so fun...
my girlies also wear fat headbands and everywhere i go people ask where i got them. i'm sometime embarrased to admit that they are old tights...ones they've grown out of, or some that we on clearance. i just cut the legs off and sew them together at the ends. they stay on sooo well..and so cheap.
great advice...
Oh my heck! You beat me to it mama C! I was going to mention that I make Ayla headband out of tights too! I think it's a great idea! They stay on all day and they don't bother her cause they are stretchy and comfy... and the best thing is they are free if you have old tights!!!!
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