Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Quilt

I didn't feel right writing about the quilt until I could write about what the heck has been going on the past year. It wouldn't have made much sense if I had written about this beautiful quilt so many people kept secret for so long, without, undoubtedly someone asking, "Well, why would they do that for you?"

Now you know.

I can't pinpoint exactly where the idea stemmed from. I think for the most part, what I understand is that Kenna and Ashley came up with this brilliance you see below:

With the help of two of my best friends, Leisha and Lindsey , Kenna and Ashley were able to create a secret facebook event titled, Quilt For Kim Orlandini. The message on the event read:

Now that Kim has gone somewhat public with some family issues that have been very hard for her to bear (http://kimorlandini.blogspot.com/2011/05/youve-got-every-right-to-beautiful-life.html), we wanted to do a community service project for her.

The idea was given to have a quilt made for her--you know, like giving her a giant hug from all her friends both IRL and online.

We would love for you to donate a 12 x 12 fabric square that we will have made into a quilt by a professional seamstress. We will not be getting together to do the quilt, so don't worry about that, we just need a fabric square from you! No sewing required by you. Just send us the cut piece of fabric!

This is a great way for all of Kim's friends from all over the world to get together and show her some love. Her photography, high school, adoption, blogging and work friends along with her neighbors, family and real-life friends are ALL invited to send in a fabric square.

Details on the Fabric: It can be anything you like. Pattern, solid, etc. You can even write a note to Kim on your fabric square using a fine point sharpie pen. Please make sure to leave 1 inch margins for the seam if you decide to do that. Again, no sewing required, just a cut piece of fabric.

We would like to get this quilt to Kim as soon as we can, so if you could have your square sent off by JULY 1st, that would be wonderful!

Kim does not know about this little project. We think she would be embarrassed if she did, so we are going to keep it on the down-low. However, you are more than welcome to invite other friends to the private group if you think that they would like to join in.

I can honestly say I had NO. CLUE. THIS. WAS. HAPPENING. None. The only thing I noticed was that Lindsey and I had A LOT more friends in common than I ever realized. I think a couple of times I wrote on her wall, "Hey! I didn't know you knew so and so! How do you guys know each other?!" So funny. Poor things.

There was literally HUNDREDS of people invited to donate cloth for this quilt. There were messages of love written in ink. There were messages of hope stitched into the squares. I literally spent hours pouring over each square. Touching them, reading them, laying on them.

I even spilled Dr. Pepper on the corner. I joked that I would wrap myself up in the quilt and cry in the corner while sucking on the Dr. Pepper corner to calm myself. Don't worry I didn't do that. I washed the Dr. Pepper out...and the quilt still looks beautiful.

A beautiful square from Wendy:

"Sometimes God calms the storm...sometimes He lets the storm rage and He calms his child." With her cute little boys' hands stitched on them.

One from I believe Megan Hilton:

"Here's to hope."

And many more beautiful thoughts and sentiments and fabrics:

When the ladies gave it to me, I went into shock immediately. I never in a million years would have imagined such kindness towards me. So much love shown to me. It meant so very much to me. It is times like this when I go quiet and reflective. My heart was so deeply, deeply marked for ever for good from this gift from you all. My heart is touched. It is full. I can never thank those involved enough. I can never thank Kenna enough for the long hours she put into organizing this event and sewing the beautiful quilt, all while dealing with personal health issues. Thanks to her and to her mother in law for all of her help with this blanket for someone she has never even met.

Thanks to each of you for your contributions, whether it was fabric, or prayers, comments, or nothing more than a hopeful thought.

Hope is winning today. Something I wasn't sure would ever happen.

Here is to more hope. Always.


Wendy said...

I am awful at reading blogs anymore, but I saw that you blogged about your quilt and wanted to see it. It's beautiful, and I am so glad that you liked the unevenly stitched square. Every time I thought about what to do, I just kept thinking of that quote. It has helped me many times in my life! Here's to a happy 30's and many many more happy years ahead!

DisabilityDiva said...

Much love!a beautiful quite almost as stunning as you! Hugs

Ashley said...

Kenna's my personal hero. Isn't she amazing?

Someday when you're in a sick sense of humor kind of mood, I'll tell you what my mom said when Kenna and I were bouncing the idea back and forth.


Glad you liked it. <3

moosh in indy. said...

I'm not on there and I feel horrible about it. It all went down when I was going through my own stuff as well. I know that's no excuse...but still.

Perhaps I'll just make you a woobie of my own.

You are wonderful.

Emily said...

Wendy's square brought a tear to my eye. I've never heard that quote but now it's one of my most favorites. Though my square wasn't fancy (I don't think I even own a fabric pen and we both know I don't sew), I did catch sight of it in the photos and it made my heart super happy. The print says "Kim" to me, and now I get to be close to you all the time! :)

Love you to pieces and pieces.

P.S. A big thank you to the beautiful, wonderful, fabulous women who made it possible. THANK YOU!!!

kenna said...

beautiful blanket for a beautiful lady.

loves you.

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

What a special quilt! I love that they did this for you, Kim.

vanessa said...

You are so lucky to have friends that care about you. I am sorry I never got the square to you them, it is still sitting on my nightstand :(

Unknown said...

my square is still sitting here too. maybe we can take everyone that didn't get around to it, and make you another one...because heaven knows you deserve it. :)