Friday, November 15, 2013

Just a glimpse.

This week I had a most amazing gift. For four whole hours, I was free of depression, stress, guilt, worry, STRESS, and every other little bitty thing that keeps me down. I was able to stay dressed an entire day. I was able to smile, LAUGH, B R E A T H E.

I basked in it. I kept breathing in, pinching myself. It was as if the weight of the entire world was off of my shoulders and I could feel ME.

I am not sure why I was given the trial of depression, of anxiety...but for whatever reason I was, and I long for it always. It was a reprieve of nearly years of heaviness. It is not something I can just turn on and off, oh how I wish I could!

I hope for a day when I no longer have to be tormented by this excruciating weight...but if I must, I will continue to hope for another day like Tuesday afternoon. The day when the sun shone, and I could pierce past this world of sorrow and sadness and grief, and see my beautiful soul.

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Unknown said...

We need to have a night out!

Lindsey from The R House said...

You are a beautiful soul. xo

Unknown said...

It is lovely when you get those moments, hours, days of complete peace. You don't understand how amazing those times are unless you have lived through the weight of depression. Thinking of you, and happy that you had time to soak in all the loveliness that this life has to offer.

Emily said...

I will pray for Tuesday moments for you because you do have such a beautiful soul...and I'd love for you to see it more often.

Sarah said...

Tuesdays are amazing. They make life so much better. Love you dearly my sweet friend. Really. xo

Vanessa said...

Hope you have had many more since then.

Vanessa said...

Hope you have had many more since then.