Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh the mess of tears...

Just heard the news that a little friend I have never met
but through blogging passed away this morning.

So thankful for a wonderful Plan.

Love to Sadie and her family.

Please remember them in your hearts and prayers.

Thank you for helping me learn through your example:
to be a better Mother and for taking the extra time to hug my babies and let them know I love them!


  1. oh what a beautiful little girl! Her poor family

  2. oh my gosh her poor family. I just spent the last hour reading that blog. What a beautiful little girl. My prayers are with her family.

  3. What a mess of tears and runny mascara my face is after reading their blog. She is such a beautiful little girl, I am going to give my girls extra hugs. Thank you for sharing their story!
