Monday, June 2, 2008

All I really want to do right now is throw a toddler fit.


  1. I say GO FOR IT! Whatever makes you feel better!There is no law or commandment for that fact that says you can't =)

    I don't know if it will make you feel any better but I cried on Saturday night until I had snot DRIPPING out of my nose ;)
    Love you friend!

  2. i love you and i support your coniption.

  3. i so know the feeling. I think you should and you need to do it in the middle of an isle at the grocery store!!

  4. Can I come watch? And maybe join?

  5. One time a friend of mine felt like screaming a bloody murder scream. She did. It was in a public place, but we thought nobody was around to hear it. A few moments later a young man came RUNNING. He thought she was in trouble and he was going to be her knight in shinning armor. It was embarrassing! So if you do throw a fit, I recommend doing it in the middle of nowhere.

  6. Oh NO!!! Are you going to be ok!!?? Anything I can do?

  7. i love your dorky self. we were cut from the same mold!
