Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeling a little bit sad.

Dad and brother are gone for a few days. Hubbs' grandma is very sick, so they went to see her. Missing them terribly. Not sure who is missing them more, me or Memm. (I am pretty sure it is me.) *Tried* to talk to J the last few days...he wants nothing to do with me, just a waste of his time. Seriously, that is how he acted. It is okay though. I know he loves me. Talked to Hubbs, he said that when J doesn't want to do something he cries for me. Hmm, sounds a lot like Memm when she gets told not to do something, the first thing out of her mouth is, "Papai!!!" Hilarious.
Took these before he left. Love that face. Oooo so in love.
This looks like a hug, it is, in fact, a push! Oh well, at least he tries.
Ya feeling a little teary.


  1. So sad, that expression that Emm has with the tear-too precious. I'll have to give you a call to see if you are up to doing something while your guys are away, love ya Kim!

  2. oh miss, I completely understand!! I hate it when they are away! Jared is out of town this week and three of my four kiddos have had the flu!! I don't think that I have cried this much in years! I will be teary eyed with you. hugs while he is away!

  3. yes...hugs to you.

    they're cute, even when they're sad.

    and the horse. where did you find it? it looks like the old school ones like i had as a tot. i want one...

  4. that last picture is so sweet and sad and even a real tear. I just heard that Flavio was gone yesterday if you need anything let me know.

    Love the horse pic of Jothy!

  5. So sad! And so cute! I hope you guys hang in there!!!!

  6. I'm at work and can't see the photos here, but I'll look at them when I get home.

    I'm sorry you're lonely. It's terrible when we're apart from the ones we love.

  7. I sowwy hubby is gone. It sucks to not have them around, even though sometimes... ;) I love you!

  8. OOOH! Why did I have to leave! I'm so stinkin lonely out here!
    hugs and kisses.

  9. oh kim , It was wonderful to meet you tonight. although I have never posted I have read your blog before and ever looked at your adoption profile in the last few weeks. Your pictures are absolutely amazing!!! I want to eat you little girl. She is so stinking cute!!!! Thank you for all that you share. let me know what you adress is so that I can add you to my list of readers if I haven't already. Take care

  10. That's so sad!!! When will they be back?
